The series begins on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. This is a 4-part webinar series based on the HI FSA guidebook, Mechanical Seals for Pumps: Application Guidelines, published in cooperation with the Fluid Sealing Association. Each webinar lasts about one hour, including a Q&A session.

Webinar participants will be led by and have access to some of the world’s top mechanical seals experts in a non-commercial educational forum. Participants receive 4 professional development hours (PDH credits) for participating in this four-part webinar series. PDH credits are offered after completion of each webinar to participants who are seeking credits. This series will be particularly helpful to anyone working with mechanical seals on pumps.

To register for the Mechanical Seals Summer Webinar Series go to The entire series is only $295.00 which includes a copy of the HI Mechanical Seals Guidebook, an on-going learning resource for webinar participants. Registration for individual sessions is also possible, at a cost of $100.00 per webinar.
The following is a schedule for the Mechanical Seals Summer Webinar Series: